
5 Recent Marketing Trends

Marketing- Marketers face some tough choices in these challenging economic times. How much of their budgets should they devote to new advertising options such as social media? Is this a time to cut back on marketing budgets, or should marketers spend more to compete for scarce consumer dollars?

A recent marketing survey conducted by Adweek provides some useful insights into what experts in the field are thinking and doing right now. Participants were given a menu of responses to the question, "How will the economic downturn most affect advertising?" The response chosen most often (by 30% of participants) was that marketers will "use better targeted ads to improve return on investment." A smaller number (22%) said that advertisers would spend less. Apparently most people in marketing believe that cutting back on advertising is not an appropriate way to respond to difficult economic conditions.< Marketing >

By Jaime Brugueras

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